Saturday, May 28, 2016

The weather we have been waiting for all spring has finally arrived. This has been the first week of this year that we have had temperatures above 80 degrees. The bermudagrass does not really get going until the day time temps and the night time temps added together equal the number 150. We will see the course start to take shape and grow with the warmer temps and humidity. We have laid 4 truckloads of sod throughout the course on weak areas and winter kill. The sod has taken and is doing very well and has really improved some of the wear around greens complexes.We have planted over 2000 flowers this week in beds around the clubhouse and golf course to add a little color. The landscape beds have been mulched and are looking so much better. The mulch is not only aesthetically pleasing but it greatly reduces weed growth in the plant beds.We recently spread a 30-0-10 fertilizer on 105 acres of bermudagrass with an insecticide for season long grub control. The fertilizer along with some rainfall and the warmer temps have really improved the color of the course.We will be starting our irrigation injection program on June 1st and this will also increase the fertility and allow for better water penetration into our sand soils here. We will be doing our second greens aerification of the year on June 1st and 2nd to get the greens ready for the coming summer temperatures and stress. We will be using 1/2" hollow coring tines and topdressing with sand afterward. The greens usually take 2-3 weeks to recover with good weather. Overall it is shaping up to be a great year on the golf course so get out there and have some fun!